After the vessel is delivered and enters service, the terms of the guarantee clause in the Contract will apply. At the preference of the Owner, VEBMARcan coordinate the guarantee follow-up activities and then negotiate with the Shipbuilder for satisfactory settlement of all guarantee claims filed during that period.

Initially, all guarantee claims are made by the Master of the vessel, and then filed with the Shipbuilder for action and resolution. VEBMAR will review each claim for completion, content, and validity as a claim, and then confirm the claim to the Shipbuilder. In the event that there are claims that cannot be easily resolved during a service engineer’s visit to the ship, VEBMAR will, on behalf of the Owner, negotiate a satisfactory settlement with the Shipbuilder or Owner. Included in VEBMAR‘s efforts will be periodic visits to the ship, including a thorough joint guarantee survey, held at the end of the normal guarantee period, attended by representatives of the Owner, the Shipbuilder, and vendors’ service engineers as invited by either or both of the parties.

Following that survey, VEBMAR will lead a guarantee settlement negotiation meeting to resolve and settle all outstanding claims. At the conclusion of that effort, the formal ship acquisition program may be closed and VEBMAR’s project role completed.

If you would like to have more information, please do not hesitate to call or send us an email directly to We will deal with without delay.

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